The Coke Game.

Do you love Coke? Because i'm pretty sure i do and no , i'm not talking about cocaine . I'm talking about the delicious soda made out of things that can clean up your toilet and stuff like that . I always loved Coke when i was a kid and i still do love it. Its incredible flavour makes my palms sweaty and my tongue ready for a tasty adventure. But let's not fly off track , today, i am going to be telling you a very bizzare experiece i had while drinking Coke.
I arrived home from school , poured myself some Coke and opened up my PC . I was obsessed with Coke , i loved Coke . In fact , i was in love with the Coke. Everytime i arrived home from school i'd do the exact same thing . Pour myself some Coke , start the PC , and never go to sleep again because of the Coke. That... Untill things changed.
I went to school , learned , wrote , etc. I couldn't concentrate in my classes because i was thinking of Coke all the time. After classes ended , i went home , opened my door and rushed to my bedroom only to find out there's no coke left. I felt a slight itch in my right leg as i said in my head
"Wh...What? There's no more coke left? I gotta tell mom" And that's what i did . I asked my mom to buy me a bottle of Coke . As she closed the door , i opened my pc then i started to play my everyday games. I was playing Call Of Duty untill a friend of mine messaged me on Skype.
"Hey dude , i know you love Coke so i found this game online just for you!"
"Oh, really ? Thanks bro i'll check it out"
As soon as i pressed the Play button in the game menu . The screen went black. Once in the game , i had a bottle of Coke in my left hand ; The weird thing was that... I couldn't drink it! That's it! I couldn't freaking drink the god damn coke! I tried pushing all the buttons on my keyboard but nothing happened.
And i pushed , and i pushed , and i pushed untill a chat box opened up on the screen.
"CokeFan001:Hey man , are you here to have some fun?"
"Player:Uhmm , who are you?"
"CokeFan001: I am coke fan , just like you , now rip out your so-"
Then the game crashed.
When i tried to open the game again , nothing happened . I started to feel anxiety flowing through my bones as i had no idea what was going on with the game . I messaged my friend on Skype about the game but he never replied back, like he simply vanished. Quite strange for a person that keeps Skype open 24/7.
I saw nothing interesting happen with the game so. I deleted it; Right after i pushed the delete button , my friend messaged me on Skype.
"DON'T Delete the game , if you do that, then the game will reinstall on the computer the next day , and you wouldn't be able to delete it anymore!"
"And why didin't you tell me this earlier you dumbass , now i deleted the game , there's no going back!"
"I'm sorry man but i had to do the chores for my mom , ow there she is , well i will have to go now , bye!!!"
He acted like something was wrong with him , like something possesed him. I could feel the fear in his voice , even though i didin't even call him at all! Something strange was behind this game and i had to find the secret of it. Is it a game made by Coca Cola only to make you buy their products more , or is it made by a random dude called Calvin who eats Snickers everyday and still can't come back to his normal mental state. The only thing i had to do now was to wait.
3 Days passed and as my friend said , the game reinstalled itself on the computer , but this time on a different file location. Now the game's name was "The Coke Game". When i clicked on it , the game started , but there was no game . There was just a clip with a guy drinking Coke to death. I didin't find it strange , i found it quite pleasuring , in fact , i wanted to see more videos of Coke Suicide. It didin't become an addiction but i just found it pleasuring. That's all.
Some minutes later , a chat box opened up . 3 minutes in and people already started to write mean things about coke in the chat . I didin't know why since the game was made for Coke Lovers. I tried to write something in the chat and it didin't work , it only told me to make an account in order to comment ; The sad part was that i couldn't even make a account. I tried and tried and tried again... Nothing. 30 Minutes in and a Livestream started.
The livestream showed a guy drinking Coke , and people in the chat were getting crazy over it. It's like they had a Coke Fetish. There's nothing i could do to stop them, and i closed the game. Exactly after i closed it , the game reopened itself , but this time , the weird guy drinking Coke was staring me straight into the eyes and i could do nothing but watch him look at me. I started itching so bad i had to unplug the computer and go tell my mom what happened. The answer from her left me speechless.
"Did you enjoy the show , sweetie?"